This revolutionary fresh fruit labeling system sits at the forefront of fruit packing technology, allowing you to bring your facility into the 21st century with a 100% ROI in 3 years or less. Click here to learn more.
Linerless Labels & Hi-Capacity Supply Rolls
By reducing raw materials, you make more room and now you get more labels into the supply roll. The PRINTRAYCE System’s proprietary hi-capacity roll-winding technology dramatically reduces raw material waste and wasted labor.
For every 1 million boxes of fruit you label, your people must now manually change 2,900 rolls of labels! For the equivalent labels but using PRINTRAYCE your people change only 290 supply rolls. That’s 10x more productivity and 10x less wasted time changing rolls and labels. And because every label is printed on demand, there are no “short rolls” to get thrown away and no “extra labels” that end up in the garbage. You use every label you pay for, every time.

High-Capacity Supply Rolls & Packing House Logistics
We call it Hi-Capacity spooling and it simply generates productivity and momentum. Get rid of your labor-intensive, inefficient flat roll labeling system and then make better use of your people by getting your labeling down where your people are actually located on the tray-line. The PRINTRAYCE print-on-demand tray application system eliminates the hidden cost of wasted low-capacity flat rolls. Let’s do some easy math in a good-sized packing facility example:
In a facility annually packing 4 million boxes of fruit with your typical flat roll labeling system you will change 53 flat-rolls of labels per day all year long. What a distraction!
But with PRINTRAYCE that number is only 5 roll changes a day!
Additionally, the logistics are also a real issue and your current flat roll label system mounted on top of the sizer has that disadvantage. It’s not just too many rolls you change but also that the system is logistically located where there are no people and the rolls all run out at different times. This leads to a constant temptation to toss rolls that are almost out into the recycle bin before they are fully used! When your people are tired of hiking up to that out of the way system on top of your pack line to constantly change rolls at the rate of nearly 8 an hour you have a real hidden headache. When your people see rolls with only a few inches of labels left it certainly gets tempting to just exchange them for a fresh roll a little bit too early! It’s just not the best design.
At PRINTRAYCE SYSTEMS LLC we have solved many hidden concerns like this. We think you’re starting to understand why this is a great new, well thought out technology that’s worth investing in.
Automatic Scan Code Reader
There are some things you shouldn’t have to think about, so we did. The PRINTRAYCE Print-on-Demand Tray Application System is always checking its own print quality. Do you have print-on-demand? Does your system watch scan-ability and print quality on your GS1 stacked Omni-directional 2D scan code? All the time? When you think about it, this is a requirement.
The automatic code verification scanner is simple and designed to check that the code is working 100% of the time.
The scanner identifies increased tiny irregularities that are invisible to the naked eye. If these irregularities become regular, the system will blink a warning light that the print head should be cleaned or that you are close to the end of the label supply roll.

Central Print Management System
PRINTRAYCE Systems have the ability to control all of the imprinting from a single host computer location. This allows for one main controller (i.e., your packing line manager) to oversee every tray line imprinting applicator at once. This ensures that you always have the correct print chosen and have current status control over imprint management in real time.
The PRINTRAYCE label is beautifully pre-branded with your company logo graphics on a single layer of thin clear film. The printing on the PRINTRAYCE System is really “imprinting,” allowing for the on-board on-demand imprinting system to thermally imprint (black only) the remaining fruit-variety-specific variable information.
With PRINTRAYCE, productivity is king and so because the PRINTRAYCE System is logistically located right where your floor people work the pack line manager can easily work with your team to incorporate labeling related oversight with their other duties.
Additionally, there are protocols built into the system for allowing the manager to pre-stage an upcoming change of print, allowing it to be ready for the floor people.
Food Safety Addressed through End of Process Tray-Pack Label Application
Stickers all over your packing line is just wrong and these stickers create a natural home for contamination!
Keep these labels OFF of your pack line, there are so many reasons to do this but food safety is the biggest. Fruit weight calibration gets interrupted by labels in the cup. Labels all over your multi-million dollar packing line are like getting stickers all over your car! It’s just not right.
Let’s do the easy math again.
Your up top flat roll label system always gets labels on your packing line. No up-top application system successfully keeps 99% of the labels on the fruit. But if you calculate even 1% of the labels necessary to label 1 million boxes of fruit, this comes out to 1 MILLION labels stuck all over your packing lines & strewn throughout the system, all over your brushes and adhered to all of your drops. It also makes your facility appear filthy. What is actually true, is that these up top systems unintentionally leave closer to 5% of the labels all over your line and you have to clean those labels off which is costly. So in reality, closer to 5 million labels get everywhere. The PRINTRAYCE system eliminates these food safety problems!
All those labels on your line cost you twice and you are not getting use out of them. We at PRINTRAYCE Systems fix this and in exchange give you a beautiful pack with all the labels facing up which promotes your brand and turns your labels from an expensive requirement into a wonderful looking, on purpose, properly branded product so that the retailer and the customer both benefit. Now folks that is how to turn a problem into an industry opportunity!
The future of retail, more codes or product traceability
Retailers are all about controlling cost and apples are the 2nd highest profit item in the produce section. They prefer to label fruit with a specific code that ties to a specific price point. The statement we have heard from leading retailers is this: “If we must pay a different price for a grade or size within a fruit variety, we want that fruit labeled uniquely to avoid ‘unnecessary shrink’ in our produce department.”
PRINTRAYCE Systems not only makes additional codes possible but they makes it super easy. We can comfortably label a unique code at every tray line. If the retailers add a third and fourth unique scan code to a grade within a variety there will be no added cost to the industry. For the first time ever the fruit industry can handle as many different code numbers as the PMA may assign to a variety, in addition to allowing for food traceability.
Product traceability is not required today by the retailers at the bulk fruit level, only at the case level. PRINTRAYCE Systems has the ability to address internal or external traceability allowing for food safety measures to be put into place or for other data to be available within the label for your own business management.
Private Labeling Capability
Absolutely private labeling is actually at your fingertips without disrupting your line!
Suppose you have a customer who wants private labeling or suppose you offer it to your prospects. Perhaps it is for a campaign that requires a private label on their fruit. On a typical commit-to-pack line, while labeling up top on your pack line you would have to purchase a whole new bank of labelers at great cost to you. But let’s say you need a private label placed on a few truck-loads of fruit in your peak sizes. Let’s say 88’s and 100’s fruit sizes, for example.
You can purchase from PRINTRAYCE Systems the custom pre-branded graphics pre-printed into a custom-designed label for your customer. Then using your PRINTRAYCE System you may easily install these labels on to the tray lines you will private label and voila, you have now become a great partner to your retail customer without shutting down any part of your line. There, you can drop these two fruit sizes (or more) while simultaneously labeling all of the other fruit with your standard label. This allows you to fill a custom order at the same time you run your regular production. That’s the kind of flexibility that will keep your facility ready all of the time for business opportunities and promotions.
Beautiful Tray-Pack Fruit Presentation, Every Time
Tray labeling is the best method of labeling. Everyone knows it, but doing so in a commit-to-pack line has not been possible or else it was way too expensive. This is the real thing that PRINTRAYCE Systems, through this innovative label and application system is bringing to the Apple industry.
It’s really so exciting for the whole industry! To illustrate why, we like to say “you pay for your labels as a requirement, let PRINTRAYCE Systems show you how to turn your labels from a defensive purchase to an offensive marketing move.” Let’s use your label to create more sales and greater consumer loyalty!
Sure it’s true, retailers require 95% label-to-fruit coverage. But because your fruit is labeled upstream, if you don’t have the PRINTRAYCE System you must rotate all of the fruit in the tray to find the label just so that you can count your coverage percentage, and the pack still won’t look good. A single label here or there showing in the pack makes the pack look hap-hazard!
But now with the PRINTRAYCE System, all of the labels are presented beautifully, showing the pack house, the retailer, and even the consumer, a tray pack that always appears as though it was done on purpose.
We know you and your business are on purpose but so let’s make every pack look on purpose by design.
Simple Integration Into Your Existing Tray Lines
The PRINTRAYCE system is offered in two footprints it easily installs at the end of your existing 20-inch or 24-inch tray line just prior to the finished tray being hand or machine-packed into the box.
In addition, you may find it advantageous to install this system prior to removing your current flat roll up-top label system. This could allow you to gradually and comfortably move from your old system to the PRINTRAYCE System completely and on your own terms by using up your old inventory as you make the switch gradually to labeling with the new system.

Hand Held Applicator & Low Volume Print-On-Demand to Avoid Adding Needless Inventory
At PRINTRAYCE Systems, we know that not every piece of fruit comes through a tray line. That’s why we’ve developed our own liner-less label applicator, the PT Scepter, and a separate print-on-demand printer/winder, the PT Winder.
No company in the past has solved hand-labeling to make it as inexpensive and convenient. This is the first hand-held liner-less label applicator that brings new simplicity to hand labeling with the convenience of print on demand, that will preserve the savings and advantage of tray-pack labeling.
Gentle Label Application Technology
Not every labeling manufacturing company would take on the challenge of pioneering & developing this completely new system that consistently and gently labels every piece of fruit, regardless of size. The PRINTRAYCE application technology was chosen carefully so that we can create a perfect application pressure every time. The system raises and lowers for the size of the fruit and takes advantage of all the best technologies both in label manufacturing and machinery design and brings them into one wonderful system.

Get a Quote
Is your production facility prepared for the cutting edge of fruit labeling technology? Contact us about scheduling a free on-site review and estimate.